In 2023-2024 we ran eight fundraisers/events and were able to support the ongoing yearly initiatives such as playground bins, Grade 4 bibles, and Raz Kids subscription. We also funded a new mic system for the gym, presentation clickers for all classroom smart boards, as well as the addition of 15 Chromebooks. To close the year, we funded the SeeSaw subscription for the 2024-2025 school year.
Upcoming fundraising this year will be put towards the ongoing yearly initiatives, wish list requests, as well as saving for the Phase 3 Playground Rebuild.
We appreciate the ongoing support from our parent community to ensure we can continue to support the needs of the students at Neil M Ross. We are always seeking feedback on our fundraisers and We encourage parents to share new and creative ways to raise money for our school and be a part of the planning!
2024-2025 Fundraisers
October: Halloween Dance
& 50/50 Raffle
November: Art Cards, Perogies, Sausage & Meats
February: Little Caesars Pizza
March: Ski Night
April:​​ Purdy's Chocolates
May: Growing Smiles